Her Excellency Beatriz Aluares de la Oya

Preferred FoodsPreferred DrinksForbidden VictualsDisinclinations
Cheese (especially Iberian; see allergy note)
Crusty bread with good butter
Cured meats
Spiced/seasoned nuts (see allergy note)
Pickled vegetables
(especially cucumbers, mushrooms, carrots)
Cut veggies and dip
Caramel (esp. salted)
Vanilla flavored things

At events, Her Excellency has a preference for finger foods and/or easily portable foods, and tends to graze rather than eat full meals. Day boards are a blessing.

Her Excellency has a tendency to dehydration, so a frequent supply of water (plain or flavored) is appreciated
Water (any)
Iced tea,
Dr. Pepper
Cream Soda
Hot tea (Chai or Earl Grey)

Her Excellency is not a frequent drinker, but prefers rum, cider, and just about anything created by Master Ruaidhri an Cu.

Her Excellency is allergic to:
● Bleu cheeses, Stiltons, etc.
● Walnuts
● Kiwi
● Mango
● Chamomile

Her Excellency prefers fish, seafood, and poultry to red meat.

She does not eat:
Game meats
Bell peppers
Extremely spicy foods.

His Excellency Eadric Fahomra the Potter

Preferred FoodsPreferred DrinksForbidden VictualsDisinclinations
Other dairy products
(but not yogurt)
Bread with butter or olive oil Cured meat
Commercial/pasteurized pickles (not sweet nor b&b
Peanut and nut butters
Soft fruits
(like berries, bananas etc)
Hard-boiled eggs
Hot or cold noodle dishes

Chocolate is proof manifest of a loving Deity, the darker the better.

His Excellency generally prefers to graze, or eat several snacks rather than a single meal through the day, so a day board is always appreciated,

Medications impose a significant hydration burden, so ready access to plenty of water (still, unflavored) is good and reminders to drink never go amiss.

Water (any)
Coffee (cream and some sugar), Hot tea
(black or chai with dairy, green without, no sugar)
Fruit juice
Tonic water
Cola (not diet)

Eadric has strict limits on alcohol consumption, but does enjoy small quantities of almost anything but red wine. He also used to be a professional brewer and loves to talk shop.

Please note: Eadric suffers from a fairly severe autoimmune complex that includes Crohn’s and other inflammatory gut issues. Additionally, he has a primary immunodeficiency, meaning he has little to no immunity to some common pathogens.

Between these conditions and the treatments that manage them, food can sometimes be a significant challenge.

Anything with live cultures
Unpasteurized yogurt
● Sauerkraut
Homemade fermented pickles or hot sauces.

Anything high in non-digestible fiber. This typically means:
●Raw vegetables
Most greens (some cooked greens are OK),
Corn (cornstarch is fine, cornmeal is not)
Nuts (nut butter is fine)
Whole grains
● Seeds
Oats (including oat flour)
Fruits w/ hard skins or rinds
Oily fish (most seafood is quite welcome, but oily fin fish, like salmon, mackerel, sardines, are a no-go)

Artificial sweeteners
Diet soda
Sugar-free sweets
This is a medicine interaction issue – please do not serve them under any circumstances.

Alcohol in large quantities – in a typical event, one drink is the limit.
His Excellency adores seafood, and prefers poultry and fish to red meat.

He does, however,
enjoy game meat, offal, and exotic meats in moderate quantities.

He does not generally care for
potatoes, and especially not sweet potatoes and yams.